這裡蒐集了有關Business English的相關資訊和廠商網頁,歡迎指教,

Business English知識

  • 誰會business english
    B: Good morning! “ABC” Computer Inc, may I help you? A: Good morning. Yes, my name is XXX from XXX Company. I'd like to ask some information about your laptop computer, model number NC-200. B: Yes, Mr XXX. NC-200 is our latest the most popular model, any information I can provide to you? A: Thank you. I'd like to
  • 有誰可以提供商科專有名詞的英文字典
    附國際貿易常用縮語表、國際電話指南、和國際貿易組織一覽表等等。(3) Longman Business English Dictionary: 朗文商業英語辭典這本分精裝與平裝,內容包括會計、銀行、船務、與
  • 請教英文補習班或家教
    Trinity商務英語專班Trinity Business English 聘請專業名師,課程教材使用知名MACMILLAN包含聽說讀寫 商業英語課程內容 Business English (I1a) In company Pre-intermediate   Unit Subject
  • 商用書信的網站
    議題的解釋都相當簡易清楚且詳盡。並有相關連結。 http://www.englishclub.com/business-english/index.htm 有一些商用文書及履歷撰寫的範本。business English vocabulary介紹商用英文
  • 有關LCCI證照考試的問題
    因為在觀光產業裡面有很多用詞還是跟一般不同的 實用商業英文(Practical Business English, PBE):與職場英文類似的東東 2 我上網收尋. 很多地方都有LCCI的培訓
  • 3題翻譯 救命..很短的!! 10點
    管理,以培養自己更多的知識和專長。 ==> I would like to take more courses like business English and business administration. I think that can help me to have more knowledge and strength. 3
  • 急!! 請會翻譯這段文章的英文高手幫忙翻譯
    The business uses English is enterprise English in fact...Atintroduction of....The business uses English to want to learn to the analysis technique lecture and the business usage hereafter...Its type waits for
  • Test: Basic Business English
    Click for Answer esl test: basic business english (questions) .... Business English Courses — Learn English Online at English-Test.net ...
  • 有關商業英文~~
    商貿英語會話Business English Conversation 作者: 徐仲賢/著 出版社:壯穎(創智代理) 出版日期:2004 年
  • Business English
    1. Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing to you regarding the changes in time and location of the annual financial meeting. It was stated on the previous letter that the meeting will be held in the meeting room on 5th floor on Monday 14th June at 10:00am. There had been a slight change due to unforeseen circumstances. The new

Business EnglishBusiness English

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